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Bilingdle Answers for 2024-06-15

CAMPO (es)

WRATH (en)

Here are some example sentences using CAMPO along with a translation to English:

El campo es muy bonito en primavera. The countryside is very beautiful in spring.
El campo de fútbol está lleno de jugadores entrenando. The soccer field is full of players training.
Mi abuela vive en un campo en las afueras de la ciudad. My grandmother lives in a field on the outskirts of the city.
Los científicos estudiaron el campo magnético de la Tierra. The scientists studied the Earth's magnetic field.
Hay un campo de flores silvestres cerca del río. There is a field of wildflowers near the river.
El campo de batalla estaba cubierto de humo y polvo. The battlefield was covered in smoke and dust.
En el campo de la medicina, los avances son constantes. In the field of medicine, advancements are constant.
Los campesinos trabajan duro en el campo cultivando maíz. The farmers work hard in the field growing corn.
Jugamos al béisbol en el campo detrás de la escuela. We played baseball on the field behind the school.
Los investigadores realizaron varios experimentos en el campo de la biología. The researchers conducted several experiments in the field of biology.

Here are some example sentences using WRATH along with a translation to Spanish:

The wrath of the storm devastated the small village. La ira de la tormenta devastó el pequeño pueblo.
Her wrath was evident in the cold look she gave me. Su cólera era evidente en la fría mirada que me dio.
The wrath of the gods was feared by the ancient Greeks. La ira de los dioses era temida por los antiguos griegos.
Facing his father's wrath, he quickly confessed his mistake. Enfrentado al furor de su padre, rápidamente confesó su error.
The wrath of nature can be both beautiful and terrifying. La ira de la naturaleza puede ser tanto hermosa como aterradora.
Avoiding her wrath, he decided not to mention the incident. Evitando su ira, decidió no mencionar el incidente.
The politician's wrath was evident during the heated debate. La cólera del político era evidente durante el acalorado debate.
Her wrath was unleashed when she discovered the betrayal. Su furia fue desatada cuando descubrió la traición.
The wrath of the hurricane left the city in ruins. La ira del huracán dejó la ciudad en ruinas.
Despite his wrath, he managed to stay calm and composed. A pesar de su furia, logró mantenerse tranquilo y sereno.