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RADIO (en)
HAGAN (es)
Here are some example sentences using RADIO along with a translation to Spanish:
I listen to the radio every morning. | Escucho la radio todas las mañanas. |
My dad loves to tune in to the radio while driving. | A mi papá le encanta sintonizar la radio mientras conduce. |
The radio station plays a great mix of music. | La emisora de radio pone una gran mezcla de música. |
She turned off the radio because it was too loud. | Ella apagó la radio porque estaba demasiado alta. |
We were able to catch the live broadcast on the radio. | Pudimos captar la transmisión en vivo por la radio. |
He won a contest on the radio and got free concert tickets. | Ganó un concurso en la radio y obtuvo entradas gratuitas para el concierto. |
The radio host interviewed a famous musician today. | El presentador de radio entrevistó hoy a un músico famoso. |
I need to get my car radio fixed because it's not working. | Necesito arreglar la radio de mi auto porque no funciona. |
They broadcast the news on the radio at the top of every hour. | Transmiten las noticias por la radio al comienzo de cada hora. |
I prefer listening to the radio rather than watching TV. | Prefiero escuchar la radio en lugar de ver la televisión. |
Here are some example sentences using HAGAN along with a translation to English:
Hagan la tarea ahora. | Do the homework now. |
Hagan ejercicio todos los días. | Exercise every day. |
Hagan silencio, por favor. | Be quiet, please. |
Hagan una lista de compras. | Make a shopping list. |
Hagan un buen trabajo. | Do a good job. |
Hagan una llamada de emergencia. | Make an emergency call. |
Hagan la cama antes de salir. | Make the bed before leaving. |
Hagan espacio para más personas. | Make room for more people. |
Hagan lo que quieran. | Do whatever you want. |
Hagan una fiesta sorpresa. | Throw a surprise party. |