
The word game for gente que piensa en multiple languages!

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Bilingdle Answers for 2024-03-14

APPLE (en)

SERLE (es)

Here are some example sentences using APPLE along with a translation to Spanish:

The apple fell from the tree and rolled across the grass. La manzana cayó del árbol y rodó por el césped.
He took a juicy bite out of the apple and smiled. Él dio un mordisco jugoso a la manzana y sonrió.
For the pie, we'll need about six cups of peeled, sliced apples. Para la tarta, necesitaremos aproximadamente seis tazas de manzanas peladas y cortadas.
Every morning, she starts her day with an apple and a cup of green tea. Cada mañana, ella comienza su día con una manzana y una taza de té verde.
The apple of my eye just graduated from university. La niña de mis ojos acaba de graduarse de la universidad.
In the still life painting, the apple stood out with its bright red color. En la pintura de bodegón, la manzana resaltaba con su color rojo brillante.
We went apple picking at the orchard, and the trees were laden with fruit. Fuimos a recoger manzanas en el huerto, y los árboles estaban cargados de fruta.
Some people believe that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Algunas personas creen que una manzana al día mantiene al médico alejado.
Isaac Newton formulated the theory of gravity after watching an apple fall. Isaac Newton formuló la teoría de la gravedad después de ver caer una manzana.
I prefer a tart apple, like a Granny Smith, for baking. Prefiero una manzana ácida, como una Granny Smith, para hornear.

Here are some example sentences using SERLE along with a translation to English:

Prefiere serle honesto a pesar de las consecuencias. He prefers to be honest with him/her despite the consequences.
No puedo evitar serle fiel; es mi mejor amigo. I can't help being loyal to him; he's my best friend.
A veces, serle útil a alguien puede ser más satisfactorio que recibir ayuda. Sometimes, being useful to someone can be more satisfying than receiving help.
Es importante serle sincero a tu médico sobre los síntomas que experimentas. It's important to be honest with your doctor about the symptoms you experience.
Quisiera serle de ayuda, pero no tengo los conocimientos necesarios. I would like to be of help to him/her, but I don't have the necessary knowledge.
Intenta serle leal a sus principios, aunque la tentación sea grande. He tries to remain loyal to his principles, even though the temptation is great.
Siempre es bueno serle agradecido a quienes te apoyan. It's always good to be grateful to those who support you.
Trata de serle útil a la comunidad ofreciendo su tiempo como voluntario. He tries to be useful to the community by offering his time as a volunteer.
Estaré siempre dispuesto a serle de asistencia en lo que necesite. I will always be willing to assist you in whatever you need.
Es mi deber serle leal a mi país y sus ideales. It is my duty to be loyal to my country and its ideals.