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PETTY (en)
OSUNA (es)
Here are some example sentences using PETTY along with a translation to Spanish:
They stopped talking to each other over a petty argument. | Dejaron de hablarse por una discusión insignificante. |
Don't waste your time on petty grievances; focus on what's truly important. | No pierdas tu tiempo en quejas insignificantes; concéntrate en lo que realmente es importante. |
The company's petty cash is used for small office expenses. | La caja chica de la empresa se utiliza para pequeños gastos de oficina. |
His petty thefts eventually led him to more serious crimes. | Sus pequeños hurtos finalmente lo llevaron a cometer crímenes más graves. |
Her pettiness in constantly correcting minor mistakes is annoying. | Su mezquindad al corregir constantemente errores menores es molesta. |
The councilman's petty politics only served to delay the project further. | La política mezquina del concejal solo sirvió para retrasar aún más el proyecto. |
It's just a petty sum, but please ensure it's added to the report. | Es solo una suma insignificante, pero asegúrate de que se agregue al informe. |
He got caught up in petty squabbles that distracted him from his goals. | Se enredó en riñas insignificantes que lo distrajeron de sus objetivos. |
Management should not be concerned with such petty issues. | La gerencia no debería preocuparse por asuntos tan triviales. |
You're making a petty excuse to avoid the meeting. | Estás haciendo una excusa sin importancia para evitar la reunión. |
Here are some example sentences using OSUNA along with a translation to English:
La palabra 'osuna' parece no tener sentido en este contexto. | The word 'osuna' seems to make no sense in this context. |
Intentó conjugar el verbo, pero 'osuna' no es una forma verbal reconocida. | He tried to conjugate the verb, but 'osuna' is not a recognized verb form. |
En su poema, usó 'osuna' como un término misterioso sin explicación. | In his poem, he used 'osuna' as a mysterious term without explanation. |
La combinación de letras en 'osuna' no corresponde a ninguna palabra en español. | The combination of letters in 'osuna' does not correspond to any word in Spanish. |
El juego de mesa incluía una carta llamada 'osuna', pero las reglas no aclaraban su uso. | The board game included a card called 'osuna,' but the rules did not clarify its use. |
En su delirio, murmuraba 'osuna' una y otra vez, como si tratara de recordar algo. | In his delirium, he murmured 'osuna' over and over, as if trying to remember something. |
Cuando aprendió español, le intrigaba la palabra 'osuna', aunque no tenía significado alguno. | When he learned Spanish, he was intrigued by the word 'osuna', even though it had no meaning at all. |
El artista tituló su obra abstracta 'Osuna', dejando a los espectadores en la incertidumbre. | The artist titled his abstract work 'Osuna,' leaving the viewers in uncertainty. |
Le retaron a usar 'osuna' en una oración, pero no pudo encontrarle contexto. | He was challenged to use 'osuna' in a sentence, but could not find a context for it. |
El profesor argumentó que 'osuna' era un ejemplo de un termino sin significado lingüístico. | The professor argued that 'osuna' was an example of a term without linguistic meaning. |