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NORTE (es)
FACET (en)
Here are some example sentences using NORTE along with a translation to English:
El viento soplaba desde el norte. | The wind was blowing from the north. |
La brújula siempre apunta hacia el norte. | The compass always points to the north. |
En el hemisferio norte, las estaciones son opuestas a las del sur. | In the northern hemisphere, the seasons are opposite to those in the south. |
El polo norte está cubierto de hielo. | The North Pole is covered with ice. |
Para llegar al pueblo, debes caminar hacia el norte. | To reach the village, you must walk north. |
El norte de la ciudad es más frío que el sur. | The northern part of the city is colder than the southern part. |
Mi casa está ubicada al norte del parque. | My house is located to the north of the park. |
Ellos viven en un pequeño pueblo al norte del río. | They live in a small town to the north of the river. |
Nos perdimos porque no seguimos el norte en la brújula. | We got lost because we didn't follow the north on the compass. |
Los vientos del norte son especialmente fríos en invierno. | The north winds are especially cold in winter. |
Here are some example sentences using FACET along with a translation to Spanish:
One important facet of the project is its sustainability focus. | Un aspecto importante del proyecto es su enfoque en la sostenibilidad. |
Each facet of her personality seems to sparkle in different social settings. | Cada faceta de su personalidad parece brillar en diferentes entornos sociales. |
He studied every facet of the diamond to determine its value. | Estudió cada faceta del diamante para determinar su valor. |
The gem's facets reflect light in a spectacular way. | Las facetas de la gema reflejan la luz de manera espectacular. |
Understanding the cultural facet of the problem is crucial for finding a solution. | Entender la faceta cultural del problema es crucial para encontrar una solución. |
In mathematics, a facet is a flat face of a geometric shape. | En matemáticas, una faceta es una cara plana de una figura geométrica. |
The political facet of the debate cannot be ignored. | La faceta política del debate no puede ser ignorada. |
The artist tries to capture every facet of human emotion in his paintings. | El artista trata de capturar cada faceta de la emoción humana en sus pinturas. |
The economic facets of globalization have wide-ranging impacts. | Las facetas económicas de la globalización tienen impactos de gran alcance. |
Each facet of the cube was painted a different color. | Cada faceta del cubo fue pintada de un color diferente. |