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Bilingdle Answers for 2024-06-05

VERLE (es)

MATEY (en)

Here are some example sentences using VERLE along with a translation to English:

Voy a verle mañana en el parque. I am going to see him tomorrow at the park.
Me alegra verle tan feliz hoy. I am glad to see him so happy today.
No puedo esperar a verle en la fiesta. I can't wait to see you at the party.
Quisiera verle para discutir el proyecto. I would like to see you to discuss the project.
¿Puedo verle ahora o está ocupado? Can I see you now or are you busy?
Es momento de verle antes de que se vaya. It's time to see him before he leaves.
Al verle, se dio cuenta de su error. Upon seeing him, he realized his mistake.
Me encantaría verle tocar la guitarra en vivo. I would love to see you play the guitar live.
Estoy feliz de verle recuperado después de la operación. I am happy to see you recovered after the surgery.
Verle trabajar con tanta dedicación es inspirador. Seeing him work with such dedication is inspiring.

Here are some example sentences using MATEY along with a translation to Spanish:

Ahoy, matey! Welcome aboard the pirate ship. ¡Ahoy, matey! Bienvenido a bordo del barco pirata.
John greeted his new coworker with a friendly 'Hello, matey!' John saludó a su nuevo compañero de trabajo con un amistoso '¡Hola, matey!'
The sailor referred to his fellow mariners as matey. El marinero se refería a sus compañeros marineros como matey.
After a long day at sea, the pirate shared a drink with his matey. Después de un largo día en el mar, el pirata compartió una bebida con su matey.
He always calls his close friends matey as a term of endearment. Siempre llama a sus amigos cercanos matey como término cariñoso.
The captain barked orders to his matey during the storm. El capitán gritó órdenes a su matey durante la tormenta.
They painted their faces and chanted, 'Argh, matey!' at the festival. Se pintaron la cara y cantaron, '¡Argh, matey!' en el festival.
Matey, pass me the map so we can plot our course. Matey, pásame el mapa para que podamos trazar nuestro rumbo.
His childhood nickname was 'little matey' because he loved pirate stories. Su apodo de niño era 'pequeño matey' porque le encantaban las historias de piratas.
The two friends often joked around using pirate slang, calling each other matey. Los dos amigos a menudo bromeaban usando jerga de piratas, llamándose matey el uno al otro.