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ANGEL (en)
REZAR (es)
Here are some example sentences using ANGEL along with a translation to Spanish:
She always said that her grandmother was her guardian angel. | Ella siempre decía que su abuela era su ángel guardián. |
The angel hovered gently above the crowd, bringing a sense of peace. | El ángel flotaba suavemente sobre la multitud, trayendo una sensación de paz. |
In her dreams, she often saw an angel guiding her path. | En sus sueños, a menudo veía a un ángel guiando su camino. |
His smile was like an angel's touch, instantly comforting everyone around him. | Su sonrisa era como el toque de un ángel, reconfortando instantáneamente a todos a su alrededor. |
At the bakery, the pastries were so delightful they felt like they were made by an angel. | En la panadería, los pasteles eran tan deliciosos que parecían hechos por un ángel. |
She was an angel in disguise, always helping those in need. | Era un ángel disfrazado, siempre ayudando a quienes lo necesitaban. |
The children believed that an angel watched over them as they played. | Los niños creían que un ángel los vigilaba mientras jugaban. |
The angel's wings glimmered under the moonlight, creating a magical atmosphere. | Las alas del ángel brillaban bajo la luz de la luna, creando una atmósfera mágica. |
She felt the warmth of an angel's presence during her difficult times. | Sintió la calidez de la presencia de un ángel durante sus momentos difíciles. |
The artist painted an angel that seemed to come alive on the canvas. | El artista pintó un ángel que parecía cobrar vida en el lienzo. |
Here are some example sentences using REZAR along with a translation to English:
Ella suele rezar todas las noches antes de dormir. | She usually prays every night before going to sleep. |
En la iglesia, la gente se reúne para rezar juntos. | In the church, people gather to pray together. |
Rezar es una forma de encontrar paz interior. | Praying is a way to find inner peace. |
Decidí rezar por la salud de mi familia. | I decided to pray for my family's health. |
Muchos niños aprenden a rezar desde pequeños. | Many children learn to pray from a young age. |
Rezar no solo es pedir, sino también agradecer. | To pray is not just to ask, but also to give thanks. |
En tiempos difíciles, la gente a menudo recurre a rezar. | In difficult times, people often turn to prayer. |
Rezar en grupo puede fortalecer la fe de todos. | Praying in a group can strengthen everyone's faith. |
A veces, rezar puede ayudar a tomar decisiones difíciles. | Sometimes, praying can help make difficult decisions. |
Mi abuela siempre decía que rezar trae consuelo. | My grandmother always said that praying brings comfort. |