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LIEGE (en)
LAVAN (es)
Here are some example sentences using LIEGE along with a translation to Spanish:
The knight swore fealty to his liege before going into battle. | El caballero juró lealtad a su señor feudal antes de entrar en batalla. |
As a vassal, he was bound to serve his liege in both peace and war. | Como vasallo, estaba obligado a servir a su señor tanto en paz como en guerra. |
My liege, I have carried out your commands to the letter. | Mi señor, he llevado a cabo vuestras órdenes al pie de la letra. |
The liege lord held great power over the lands and the people within his domain. | El señor feudal tenía un gran poder sobre las tierras y la gente dentro de su dominio. |
The peasants were granted protection by their liege in exchange for a portion of their harvest. | Los campesinos recibieron protección de su señor a cambio de una parte de su cosecha. |
In medieval times, it was common for liege relationships to define social and political structures. | En la época medieval era común que las relaciones de vasallaje definieran las estructuras sociales y políticas. |
Her unwavering loyalty to her liege was renowned throughout the kingdom. | Su inquebrantable lealtad a su señor era renombrada en todo el reino. |
The rebel knights were accused of betraying their liege and plotting against him. | Los caballeros rebeldes fueron acusados de traicionar a su señor y conspirar contra él. |
The liege granted his knights land in return for military service. | El señor concedió tierras a sus caballeros a cambio de servicio militar. |
Historians often examine the liege-lord relationship to understand feudal societies. | Los historiadores a menudo examinan la relación señor-vasallo para comprender las sociedades feudales. |
Here are some example sentences using LAVAN along with a translation to English:
Los empleados lavan los platos en la cocina del restaurante. | The employees wash the dishes in the restaurant's kitchen. |
Cada mañana, lavan su automóvil esperando mantenerlo impecable. | Every morning, they wash their car hoping to keep it spotless. |
En el zoológico, lavan a los elefantes con grandes mangueras. | At the zoo, they wash the elephants with large hoses. |
Después de la jornada, los obreros lavan sus manos antes de comer. | After the workday, the workers wash their hands before eating. |
Las olas lavan la arena de la playa suavemente. | The waves gently wash the beach sand. |
Los niños del vecindario lavan los coches para recaudar fondos. | The neighborhood children wash cars to raise funds. |
Los cirujanos siempre lavan sus manos antes de una operación. | Surgeons always wash their hands before surgery. |
Lavan la ropa cada semana para mantener su frescura. | They wash the clothes every week to maintain their freshness. |
Es importante que lavan las frutas y verduras antes de consumirlas. | It's important that they wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them. |
Durante el ritual, lavan el altar con agua bendita. | During the ritual, they wash the altar with holy water. |