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RECES (es)
ELFIN (en)
Here are some example sentences using RECES along with a translation to English:
Las reces pastan tranquilamente en el prado. | The cattle graze peacefully in the meadow. |
El granjero alimenta a sus reces todos los días. | The farmer feeds his cattle every day. |
En la feria, se vendían reces de diferentes razas. | At the fair, cattle of different breeds were sold. |
Las reces son importantes para la producción de leche. | Cattle are important for milk production. |
Las reces suelen ser muy sociales entre ellas. | Cattle are usually very social among themselves. |
Las reces pueden adaptarse a diversos climas. | Cattle can adapt to various climates. |
En algunas culturas, las reces son consideradas sagradas. | In some cultures, cattle are considered sacred. |
El veterinario revisa la salud de las reces regularmente. | The veterinarian checks the health of the cattle regularly. |
Las reces pueden ser un símbolo de abundancia. | Cattle can be a symbol of abundance. |
Los campesinos cuidan sus reces con mucho esmero. | Farmers take great care of their cattle. |
Here are some example sentences using ELFIN along with a translation to Spanish:
Her elfin features made her look like a character from a fairy tale. | Sus rasgos élficos la hacían parecer un personaje de un cuento de hadas. |
The forest had an elfin beauty, with its delicate flowers and mystical atmosphere. | El bosque tenía una belleza élfica, con sus delicadas flores y atmósfera mística. |
The child's elfin laughter filled the room with joy. | La risa élfica del niño llenó la habitación de alegría. |
With her elfin grace, she danced lightly across the stage. | Con su gracia élfica, bailó ligeramente por el escenario. |
His elfin mischief was always evident in his sparkling eyes. | Su travesura élfica siempre era evidente en sus ojos brillantes. |
The tiny elfin village was hidden deep in the woods. | El diminuto pueblo élfico estaba escondido en lo profundo del bosque. |
She wore an elfin crown made of twigs and flowers. | Llevaba una corona élfica hecha de ramitas y flores. |
The elfin archers were known for their unparalleled accuracy. | Los arqueros élficos eran conocidos por su precisión inigualable. |
His elfin charm made him popular among the villagers. | Su encanto élfico lo hacía popular entre los aldeanos. |
Tales of elfin creatures have been told for generations. | Las historias de criaturas élficas se han contado durante generaciones. |