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GRIPE (es)
WRONG (en)
Here are some example sentences using GRIPE along with a translation to English:
La gripe me ha dejado sin energía. | The flu has left me without energy. |
Es importante vacunarse contra la gripe todos los años. | It is important to get vaccinated against the flu every year. |
Mi hermana tiene gripe y está en cama. | My sister has the flu and is in bed. |
La gripe se contagia fácilmente. | The flu is easily contagious. |
Me duele la garganta por la gripe. | My throat hurts because of the flu. |
El médico me recetó medicamentos para tratar la gripe. | The doctor prescribed me medication to treat the flu. |
La gripe es una enfermedad común durante el invierno. | The flu is a common illness during the winter. |
Me dio gripe después de viajar en avión. | I caught the flu after traveling by plane. |
La gripe puede causar complicaciones en personas mayores. | The flu can cause complications in older people. |
Voy a tomar té caliente para aliviar los síntomas de la gripe. | I am going to drink hot tea to relieve flu symptoms. |
Here are some example sentences using WRONG along with a translation to Spanish:
You are doing it wrong. | Lo estás haciendo mal. |
She gave me the wrong directions. | Ella me dio las indicaciones equivocadas. |
He got the wrong answer. | Él obtuvo la respuesta equivocada. |
The teacher marked my answer as wrong. | El profesor marcó mi respuesta como incorrecta. |
I made a wrong turn and got lost. | Tomé el camino equivocado y me perdí. |
You're wearing the wrong shoes for hiking. | Estás usando los zapatos incorrectos para hacer senderismo. |
They accused him of the wrongdoings. | Lo acusaron de las malas acciones. |
I apologize for giving you the wrong information. | Me disculpo por darte la información incorrecta. |
The painting is hanging at the wrong angle. | El cuadro está colgado en un ángulo equivocado. |
She pressed the wrong button and the computer crashed. | Presionó el botón equivocado y la computadora se bloqueó. |