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SLOOP (en)
VISTA (es)
Here are some example sentences using SLOOP along with a translation to Spanish:
The sloop sailed smoothly across the calm sea. | El balandro navegaba suavemente por el mar en calma. |
We rented a small sloop to explore the nearby islands. | Alquilamos un pequeño balandro para explorar las islas cercanas. |
A sloop is a type of sailboat with a single mast. | Un balandro es un tipo de velero con un solo mástil. |
During the race, the sloop quickly took the lead. | Durante la carrera, el balandro tomó la delantera rápidamente. |
The sloop's design makes it perfect for solo sailing. | El diseño del balandro lo hace perfecto para navegar en solitario. |
She admired the sleek lines of the sloop at the dock. | Admiraba las líneas elegantes del balandro en el muelle. |
In historical times, a sloop was often used for trade and exploration. | En tiempos históricos, un balandro se usaba a menudo para el comercio y la exploración. |
With a steady wind, the sloop glided effortlessly through the water. | Con un viento constante, el balandro se deslizó sin esfuerzo a través del agua. |
The captain skillfully maneuvered the sloop into the narrow harbor. | El capitán maniobró hábilmente el balandro en el puerto estrecho. |
The crew worked together to adjust the sails on the sloop. | La tripulación trabajó junta para ajustar las velas del balandro. |
Here are some example sentences using VISTA along with a translation to English:
La vista desde el mirador es impresionante. | The view from the lookout is impressive. |
Mi vista no es tan buena como solía ser. | My eyesight is not as good as it used to be. |
El proyecto está en la vista previa antes de publicarse. | The project is in the preview stage before being published. |
El arquitecto mostró la vista aérea del nuevo edificio. | The architect showed the aerial view of the new building. |
El doctor revisará mi vista la próxima semana. | The doctor will check my eyesight next week. |
La vista desde la cima de la montaña era impresionante. | The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. |
Con la nueva tecnología, la vista del paciente mejoró notablemente. | With the new technology, the patient's vision improved significantly. |
El artista capturó una hermosa vista del atardecer en su pintura. | The artist captured a beautiful view of the sunset in his painting. |
Apreciamos la vista panorámica desde el balcón del hotel. | We appreciated the panoramic view from the hotel balcony. |
Usó lentes para corregir su vista deficiente. | He used glasses to correct his poor vision. |