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DIOSA (es)
MACHO (en)
Here are some example sentences using DIOSA along with a translation to English:
En la mitología griega, Afrodita es la diosa del amor. | In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of love. |
La mujer que conocí en el bar era tan hermosa que parecía una diosa. | The woman I met at the bar was so beautiful, she looked like a goddess. |
Los romanos adoraban a Venus como la diosa de la belleza. | The Romans worshiped Venus as the goddess of beauty. |
Mi madre es una diosa en la cocina. | My mother is a goddess in the kitchen. |
Los artistas renacentistas a menudo pintaban a la diosa Diana. | Renaissance artists often painted the goddess Diana. |
Al verla bailar, todos decían que era una diosa. | Seeing her dance, everyone said she was a goddess. |
En las leyendas hawaianas, Pele es la diosa del volcán. | In Hawaiian legends, Pele is the goddess of the volcano. |
La diosa Atenea era venerada por su sabiduría. | The goddess Athena was revered for her wisdom. |
Ella es una diosa de la moda. | She is a goddess of fashion. |
En la poesía antigua, a menudo se hace referencia a la diosa musa. | In ancient poetry, there is often reference to the muse goddess. |
Here are some example sentences using MACHO along with a translation to Spanish:
He portrays a very macho image. | Él representa una imagen muy macho. |
John thinks that crying is not macho. | John piensa que llorar no es macho. |
His macho attitude towards women annoys me. | Su actitud macho hacia las mujeres me molesta. |
He tries to act all macho but he's really a sweetheart. | Intenta actuar todo macho, pero en realidad es un encanto. |
I am not impressed by his macho posturing. | No me impresiona su postura macho. |
He's too macho to admit he was hurt. | Él es demasiado macho para admitir que estaba herido. |
The movie is targeted at macho men and their girlfriends. | La película está dirigida a hombres macho y sus novias. |
He makes a big show of being macho. | Hace un gran espectáculo de ser macho. |
The macho culture is often associated with negative stereotypes. | La cultura macho a menudo se asocia con estereotipos negativos. |
His macho image doesn't match his personality. | Su imagen macho no coincide con su personalidad. |