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Bilingdle Answers for 2023-11-15

PEDID (es)

FOAMY (en)

Here are some example sentences using PEDID along with a translation to English:

Pedid y se os dará. Ask and it will be given to you.
Por favor, pedid vuestros pasteles. Please, order your cakes.
Pedid permiso antes de entrar. Ask for permission before entering.
Pedid disculpas a vuestro profesor. Apologize to your teacher.
Pedid vino si preferís. Order wine if you prefer.
Pedid misericordia a Dios. Ask God for mercy.
Pedid vuestra cena ahora. Order your dinner now.
Pedid ayuda si necesitáis. Ask for help if you need.
Pedid un taxi para ir al aeropuerto. Order a taxi to go to the airport.
Pedid vuestras bebidas. Order your drinks.

Here are some example sentences using FOAMY along with a translation to Spanish:

His latte had a thick layer of foamy milk on top. Su latte tenía una capa gruesa de leche espumosa en la parte superior.
The waves crashed against the shore, their foamy tops glistening in the sun. Las olas chocaban contra la costa, sus cimas espumosas brillaban al sol.
The child was playing with the foamy bubbles in his bath. El niño estaba jugando con las burbujas espumosas en su baño.
He poured the beer into the glass, watching the foamy head rise to the top. Vertió la cerveza en el vaso, viendo cómo la espuma subía hasta la cima.
The dog had a foamy drool coming out of his mouth. El perro tenía una baba espumosa saliendo de su boca.
The soap was foamy and smelled like lavender. El jabón era espumoso y olía a lavanda.
The waterfall ended in a foamy pool. La cascada terminaba en una piscina espumosa.
They enjoyed a slice of foamy chocolate mousse cake. Disfrutaron de un pedazo de pastel de mousse de chocolate espumoso.
The water turned foamy as she added the bath bomb. El agua se volvió espumosa cuando ella agregó la bomba de baño.
She loves the foamy texture of whipped cream. A ella le encanta la textura espumosa de la crema batida.