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DUSKY (en)
GRASO (es)
Here are some example sentences using DUSKY along with a translation to Spanish:
The sky turned a beautiful dusky hue as the sun dipped below the horizon. | El cielo adoptó un hermoso tono crepuscular mientras el sol se sumergía bajo el horizonte. |
Her dusky complexion was often admired by her friends. | Su tez oscura era a menudo admirada por sus amigas. |
As night fell, the dusky light created eerie shadows in the old house. | Al caer la noche, la luz crepuscular creó sombras inquietantes en la antigua casa. |
The artist captured the dusky tones of the landscape as evening approached. | El artista capturó los tonos oscuros del paisaje al acercarse la noche. |
We walked along the beach, enjoying the dusky silence that enveloped the shore. | Caminamos por la playa, disfrutando del silencio crepuscular que envolvía la orilla. |
The dusky atmosphere of the jazz club added to the overall mood of the evening. | La atmósfera oscura del club de jazz contribuyó a la atmósfera general de la noche. |
In the dusky light, it was difficult to make out the details of the painting. | A la luz tenue, era difícil distinguir los detalles de la pintura. |
The dusky pink of the flowers was unique and particularly attractive. | El rosa oscuro de las flores era único y particularmente atractivo. |
As we entered the dusky room, we could barely see the furniture inside. | Al entrar en la habitación oscura, apenas podíamos ver los muebles en su interior. |
The photographer waited for the perfect moment when the landscape was bathed in dusky light. | El fotógrafo esperó el momento perfecto cuando el paisaje estaba bañado en luz crepuscular. |
Here are some example sentences using GRASO along with a translation to English:
No puedo comer ese pastel porque es muy graso. | I can't eat that cake because it is very greasy. |
El pato es conocido por tener un contenido graso en su carne. | Duck is known for having a fatty content in its meat. |
El papel graso se utiliza para envolver alimentos y mantenerlos frescos. | Greaseproof paper is used to wrap food and keep it fresh. |
El médico recomendó reducir el consumo de alimentos grasos para mejorar la salud cardiovascular. | The doctor recommended reducing the intake of fatty foods to improve cardiovascular health. |
Se me manchó la camisa con una sustancia grasa en la cocina. | My shirt got stained with a greasy substance in the kitchen. |
Para limpiar superficies grasas, a veces es necesario usar productos especiales. | To clean greasy surfaces, sometimes special products are needed. |
Las industrias deben tratar sus aguas residuales para eliminar el exceso de material graso. | Industries must treat their wastewater to remove excess greasy material. |
El jabón corta el graso de los platos eficazmente. | Soap cuts through the grease on dishes effectively. |
Se recomienda no verter aceite graso por el desagüe para evitar obstrucciones. | It is recommended not to pour greasy oil down the drain to avoid clogs. |
El pelaje del animal se sentía graso después de rodar por el suelo de la cocina. | The animal's fur felt greasy after rolling on the kitchen floor. |