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VITAL (es)
WOULD (en)
Here are some example sentences using VITAL along with a translation to English:
La salud es vital para llevar una vida plena. | Health is vital for living a fulfilling life. |
El agua es un recurso vital para todas las formas de vida. | Water is a vital resource for all forms of life. |
Es vital comunicarse efectivamente en un equipo de trabajo. | It is vital to communicate effectively in a work team. |
La educación es vital para el desarrollo de la sociedad. | Education is vital for the development of society. |
La energía vital de un ser humano se manifiesta en su espíritu. | The vital energy of a human being manifests in their spirit. |
Una buena alimentación es vital para mantener la salud. | A good diet is vital to maintaining health. |
El respeto es vital en las relaciones interpersonales. | Respect is vital in interpersonal relationships. |
Es vital que tomemos medidas para proteger el medio ambiente. | It is vital that we take measures to protect the environment. |
Las decisiones que tomamos son vitales para nuestro futuro. | The decisions we make are vital for our future. |
El descanso es vital para el funcionamiento adecuado del cuerpo. | Rest is vital for the proper functioning of the body. |
Here are some example sentences using WOULD along with a translation to Spanish:
I would love to visit Spain someday. | Me encantaría visitar España algún día. |
If I had the time, I would learn a new language. | Si tuviera tiempo, aprendería un nuevo idioma. |
She said she would help me with my homework. | Ella dijo que me ayudaría con mi tarea. |
They would go to the beach every summer when they were kids. | Iban a la playa cada verano cuando eran niños. |
He would often tell stories about his adventures. | Él solía contar historias sobre sus aventuras. |
I would appreciate it if you could send me the details. | Te agradecería si pudieras enviarme los detalles. |
If I were rich, I would buy a mansion. | Si fuera rico, compraría una mansión. |
Would you please pass me the salt? | ¿Podrías pasarme la sal, por favor? |
She would be happier if she had a pet. | Ella sería más feliz si tuviera una mascota. |
I would rather stay at home than go out tonight. | Preferiría quedarme en casa que salir esta noche. |