
The word game for gente que piensa en multiple languages!

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Bilingdle Answers for 2024-08-06

MUNCH (en)

PIEZA (es)

Here are some example sentences using MUNCH along with a translation to Spanish:

I love to munch on carrot sticks for a healthy snack. Me encanta masticar zanahorias como un bocadillo saludable.
The sound of the horse munching on hay was soothing. El sonido del caballo masticando heno era relajante.
He began to munch his sandwich as soon as the movie started. Empezó a masticar su sándwich tan pronto como comenzó la película.
Children often munch their food loudly, without realizing it. Los niños a menudo mastican su comida ruidosamente, sin darse cuenta.
During the picnic, everyone munched on chips and cookies. Durante el picnic, todos masticaban papas fritas y galletas.
Laura likes to munch while she works to keep her energy up. A Laura le gusta masticar mientras trabaja para mantener su energía alta.
The goats in the petting zoo munch on fresh grass all day. Las cabras en el zoológico de contacto mastican hierba fresca todo el día.
He found it hard not to munch loudly during the quiet exam. Le resultaba difícil no masticar ruidosamente durante el examen silencioso.
We brought some apples to munch on during our hike. Trajimos algunas manzanas para masticar durante nuestra caminata.
The dog munched contentedly on its bone. El perro masticaba contento su hueso.

Here are some example sentences using PIEZA along with a translation to English:

Necesito una pieza para reparar esta máquina. I need a part to repair this machine.
La obra de teatro tiene una pieza musical maravillosa. The play has a wonderful musical piece.
Vamos a cambiar una pieza del motor del coche. We are going to change a piece of the car's engine.
Compré una pieza de arte para mi sala. I bought a piece of art for my living room.
Solo falta una pieza para completar el rompecabezas. Only one piece is missing to complete the puzzle.
El reloj necesita una nueva pieza para funcionar correctamente. The clock needs a new part to work properly.
Mi abuela tiene una pieza de porcelana muy antigua. My grandmother has a very old porcelain piece.
La banda tocó una pieza clásica en el concierto. The band played a classical piece at the concert.
El ajedrez se juega con muchas piezas diferentes. Chess is played with many different pieces.
Encontré una pieza de mi colección de monedas. I found a piece of my coin collection.