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TAUNT (en)
DILES (es)
Here are some example sentences using TAUNT along with a translation to Spanish:
He did not react to their taunt and walked away with his head held high. | No reaccionó a su burla y se alejó con la cabeza bien alta. |
The players tried to taunt their rivals with chants before the game started. | Los jugadores intentaron provocar a sus rivales con cánticos antes de que empezara el partido. |
The boy's taunt about her dress hurt her feelings more than she wanted to admit. | La burla del niño sobre su vestido le dolió más de lo que quería admitir. |
During the debate, he managed to taunt his opponent with a clever retort. | Durante el debate, logró provocar a su oponente con una réplica ingeniosa. |
The bully's cruel taunts brought the young girl to tears. | Las crueles burlas del matón hicieron llorar a la joven. |
The fans' taunts grew louder as the visiting team made another mistake. | Las burlas de los aficionados se hicieron más fuertes a medida que el equipo visitante cometía otro error. |
His ability to ignore the taunt and focus on his work impressed his colleagues. | Su habilidad para ignorar la burla y concentrarse en su trabajo impresionó a sus colegas. |
She used humor to taunt her friend after beating him at chess. | Ella utilizó el humor para burlarse de su amigo después de vencerlo en ajedrez. |
The comedian could taunt the audience without offending anyone, a true skill. | El comediante podía burlarse del público sin ofender a nadie, una verdadera habilidad. |
Children sometimes taunt each other without realizing the impact of their words. | A veces los niños se burlan unos a otros sin darse cuenta del impacto de sus palabras. |
Here are some example sentences using DILES along with a translation to English:
Diles la verdad, no tienen por qué seguir engañados. | Tell them the truth, there's no reason for them to continue being deceived. |
Si te preguntan por mí, diles que ya he vuelto. | If they ask about me, tell them I've already returned. |
No quiero ir a la fiesta, así que si llaman, diles que estoy enfermo. | I don't want to go to the party, so if they call, tell them I'm sick. |
Diles que la cena está a las ocho, para que no lleguen tarde. | Tell them dinner is at eight, so they won't be late. |
Diles que se acerquen, quiero decirles algo importante. | Tell them to come closer, I want to tell them something important. |
Cuando veas a los niños, diles que los extraño mucho. | When you see the kids, tell them I miss them a lot. |
Diles que el proyecto ha sido aprobado, seguramente se alegrarán. | Tell them that the project has been approved, they will surely be happy. |
Si llego tarde, diles que me detuvo el tráfico inesperadamente. | If I'm late, tell them that traffic held me up unexpectedly. |
Diles que traten de comprender la situación antes de juzgar. | Tell them to try to understand the situation before judging. |
Diles que pueden empezar sin mí, no quiero que esperen. | Tell them they can start without me, I don't want them to wait. |