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TROZO (es)
BUDGE (en)
Here are some example sentences using TROZO along with a translation to English:
Corté un trozo de pan para el desayuno. | I cut a piece of bread for breakfast. |
El artista pintó un trozo de la muralla antigua. | The artist painted a piece of the ancient wall. |
Me dieron un trozo de la historia que no conocía. | They gave me a piece of history that I didn't know. |
Esa película es solo un trozo de lo que realmente sucedió. | That movie is just a piece of what really happened. |
Ella me mostró un trozo de tela que le gustaba. | She showed me a piece of fabric that she liked. |
Necesito un trozo más grande de papel para dibujar. | I need a bigger piece of paper to draw. |
El rompecabezas tiene un trozo que falta. | The puzzle has a piece that is missing. |
Cada trozo de información es importante para resolver el misterio. | Every piece of information is important to solve the mystery. |
Encontré un trozo de chicle en mi zapato. | I found a piece of gum on my shoe. |
El chef utilizó un trozo de queso para decorar el plato. | The chef used a piece of cheese to decorate the dish. |
Here are some example sentences using BUDGE along with a translation to Spanish:
I told him to budge from his spot, but he wouldn’t move. | Le dije que se moviera de su lugar, pero no quería moverse. |
The heavy box wouldn't budge, no matter how hard I pushed. | La caja pesada no se movía, sin importar cuánto empujara. |
She tried to budge him with a gentle nudge, but he remained seated. | Ella trató de empujarlo suavemente, pero él se quedó sentado. |
Even after hours of negotiation, they couldn't budge on the terms. | Incluso después de horas de negociación, no pudieron ceder en los términos. |
The stubborn old tree didn't budge in the storm. | El viejo árbol terco no se movió durante la tormenta. |
He refused to budge on his opinion about the issue. | Se negó a cambiar de opinión sobre el tema. |
After much effort, they managed to budge the fallen vehicle off the road. | Después de mucho esfuerzo, lograron mover el vehículo caído de la carretera. |
Despite my best efforts, the car wouldn't budge at all. | A pesar de mis mejores esfuerzos, el automóvil no se movía en absoluto. |
She was determined to budge the authorities into reconsidering their decision. | Estaba decidida a convencer a las autoridades para que reconsideraran su decisión. |
I tried to budge the sofa away from the wall to clean behind it. | Intenté mover el sofá lejos de la pared para limpiar detrás de él. |