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UFANO (es)
SALLY (en)
Here are some example sentences using UFANO along with a translation to English:
El niño se mostró ufano al recibir el premio. | The boy was proud when he received the award. |
Ella caminaba por la calle de manera ufana, sabiendo que había logrado algo importante. | She walked down the street proudly, knowing she had achieved something important. |
El jardinero estaba ufano de sus rosas recién florecidas. | The gardener was proud of his newly bloomed roses. |
El artista se siente ufano de su última obra de arte. | The artist feels proud of his latest artwork. |
Era un hombre ufano, siempre jactándose de sus logros. | He was a smug man, always boasting about his achievements. |
Ella estaba ufana de su independencia financiera. | She was proud of her financial independence. |
El chico adoptó una actitud ufana después de ser elogiado por su profesor. | The boy adopted a smug attitude after being praised by his teacher. |
La actriz recibió el premio con una sonrisa ufana. | The actress received the award with a proud smile. |
A pesar de su actitud ufana, cometió muchos errores. | Despite his smug attitude, he made many mistakes. |
El pintor estaba ufano de la exposición de sus cuadros. | The painter was proud of the exhibition of his paintings. |
Here are some example sentences using SALLY along with a translation to Spanish:
The soldiers made a brave sally into enemy territory. | Los soldados hicieron una valiente salida al territorio enemigo. |
During the debate, she made a quick sally to counter his argument. | Durante el debate, hizo una rápida incursión para contrarrestar su argumento. |
Their sally into the forest led them to discover a hidden waterfall. | Su incursión en el bosque los llevó a descubrir una cascada oculta. |
He enjoys making a witty sally during conversations. | Disfruta haciendo una ocurrencia ingeniosa durante las conversaciones. |
The cat made a sudden sally at the mouse. | El gato hizo una salida repentina hacia el ratón. |
They planned a sally to surprise the opposing team. | Planearon una salida para sorprender al equipo contrario. |
Her frequent sally into adventurous activities kept her life interesting. | Sus frecuentes incursiones en actividades aventureras mantenían su vida interesante. |
His unexpected sally caught everyone off guard. | Su inesperada salida tomó a todos desprevenidos. |
With a sharp sally, he ended the discussion. | Con una incursión aguda, terminó la discusión. |
Their nightly sally through the city became a cherished routine. | Su incursión nocturna por la ciudad se convirtió en una rutina apreciada. |