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DRUNK (en)
HABER (es)
Here are some example sentences using DRUNK along with a translation to Spanish:
He stumbled into the room, clearly drunk and unable to stand straight. | Entró tambaleándose a la habitación, claramente borracho e incapaz de mantenerse erguido. |
She never expected to get drunk off just two glasses of wine. | Nunca esperó emborracharse con solo dos copas de vino. |
The artist painted a vivid picture of a street full of drunk revelers. | El artista pintó un cuadro vívido de una calle llena de juerguistas borrachos. |
The drunk effect of the medication made it dangerous to operate machinery. | El efecto embriagador de la medicación lo hacía peligroso para operar maquinaria. |
After the party, they had to call a taxi because they were too drunk to drive. | Después de la fiesta, tuvieron que llamar a un taxi porque estaban demasiado borrachos para conducir. |
The punch at the party was so strong that many guests got drunk quickly. | El ponche de la fiesta estaba tan fuerte que muchos invitados se emborracharon rápidamente. |
The police arrested the driver for being drunk behind the wheel. | La policía arrestó al conductor por estar borracho al volante. |
She felt embarrassed about the things she did while she was drunk. | Se sintió avergonzada por las cosas que hizo mientras estaba borracha. |
The drunk man was causing a disturbance outside the bar. | El hombre borracho estaba causando una disturbio fuera del bar. |
It's illegal to be drunk and disorderly in public spaces. | Es ilegal estar borracho y alterar el orden en espacios públicos. |
Here are some example sentences using HABER along with a translation to English:
Hay que estudiar para el examen. | One must study for the exam. |
Siempre he querido viajar a España. | I have always wanted to travel to Spain. |
Había mucha gente en la fiesta anoche. | There were a lot of people at the party last night. |
Habría más oportunidades si mejoraras tu currículum. | There would be more opportunities if you improved your resume. |
Habían dicho que llegarían temprano. | They had said they would arrive early. |
¿Habrá suficiente comida para todos? | Will there be enough food for everyone? |
De haberlo sabido antes, habría venido con un regalo. | Had I known earlier, I would have come with a gift. |
Hemos terminado el proyecto con éxito. | We have finished the project successfully. |
Habrás oído hablar de los cambios en la ley. | You must have heard about the changes in the law. |
Debería haber una solución para este problema. | There should be a solution to this problem. |