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JUNTA (en)
VALGA (es)
Here are some example sentences using JUNTA along with a translation to Spanish:
The military junta took control of the government after the coup. | La junta militar tomó control del gobierno después del golpe de estado. |
A junta of experts convened to discuss the environmental crisis. | Una junta de expertos se convocó para discutir la crisis ambiental. |
In many countries, a junta is established to manage a transition of power. | En muchos países, se establece una junta para gestionar una transición de poder. |
The workers formed a junta to negotiate better terms with the management. | Los trabajadores formaron una junta para negociar mejores condiciones con la dirección. |
After long deliberation, the junta decided to implement progressive policies. | Después de largas deliberaciones, la junta decidió implementar políticas progresistas. |
The junta ruled with an iron fist, allowing no opposition. | La junta gobernó con puño de hierro, sin permitir oposición. |
Local community leaders formed a junta to oversee the fair distribution of aid. | Los líderes comunitarios locales formaron una junta para supervisar la distribución justa de la ayuda. |
The junta's decisions were often made behind closed doors, sparking public mistrust. | Las decisiones de la junta a menudo se tomaban a puerta cerrada, provocando desconfianza pública. |
The junta announced economic reforms in an attempt to stabilize the country. | La junta anunció reformas económicas en un intento por estabilizar el país. |
Rebel factions sought to disband the junta and restore democratic governance. | Las facciones rebeldes buscaron disolver la junta y restaurar la gobernanza democrática. |
Here are some example sentences using VALGA along with a translation to English:
Si valga la aclaración, me gustaría agregar algo más. | If it's worth clarifying, I would like to add something more. |
Haz lo que valga la pena para ser feliz. | Do what is worth it to be happy. |
Espero que todo este esfuerzo valga la pena al final. | I hope all this effort is worth it in the end. |
Que valga como prueba de mi compromiso, te regalo este anillo. | Let it serve as proof of my commitment, I give you this ring. |
Dudo que valga la pena discutir por algo tan trivial. | I doubt it's worth arguing over something so trivial. |
Es cuestión de hacer lo que valga por nuestra comunidad. | It's a matter of doing what is valuable for our community. |
Aunque no valga mucho, este regalo es con mucho cariño. | Even though it's not worth much, this gift is given with a lot of love. |
A veces, uno no se da cuenta de lo que valga hasta que lo pierde. | Sometimes, one doesn't realize what is valuable until it's lost. |
Tomemos una decisión que valga para todos. | Let's make a decision that is valid for everyone. |
No sé si valga la pena cambiar de trabajo ahora. | I don't know if it's worth changing jobs now. |