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DENIM (en)
FALSO (es)
Here are some example sentences using DENIM along with a translation to Spanish:
The jacket was made of a tough, rugged denim that lasted for years. | La chaqueta estaba hecha de un denim resistente y robusto que duró años. |
She paired her white shirt with classic blue denim jeans. | Ella combinó su camisa blanca con unos clásicos jeans de denim azul. |
The denim fabric is popular for its durability and versatility. | La tela de denim es popular por su durabilidad y versatilidad. |
He patched the holes in his denim with colorful patches. | Él remendó los agujeros en su denim con parches coloridos. |
Denim skirts have become a fashion staple in many wardrobes. | Las faldas de denim se han convertido en una prenda básica en muchos armarios. |
The artist used denim as a canvas for their unique textile paintings. | El artista usó el denim como un lienzo para sus únicas pinturas textiles. |
Washing your denim inside out helps preserve the color. | Lavar tu denim al revés ayuda a preservar el color. |
She adorned her denim jacket with an array of vintage pins and buttons. | Ella adornó su chaqueta de denim con una variedad de pines y botones vintage. |
The sun faded the denim on the back of his jeans, giving them a unique look. | El sol decoloró el denim en la parte trasera de sus jeans, dándoles un aspecto único. |
They released a limited edition series of hand-dyed denim, each with its own pattern. | Lanzaron una serie limitada de denim teñido a mano, cada uno con su propio patrón. |
Here are some example sentences using FALSO along with a translation to English:
El documento es falso y no tiene validez legal. | The document is fake and has no legal validity. |
Esa noticia resultó ser falsa, no confíes en esa fuente. | That news turned out to be false, don't trust that source. |
Se descubrió que su testimonio era falso. | It was discovered that his testimony was false. |
La alarma se activó por un aviso falso de incendio. | The alarm was triggered by a false fire alert. |
No toleraré que alguien haga afirmaciones falsas sobre mi trabajo. | I will not tolerate someone making false claims about my work. |
Las joyas falsas a menudo se ven tan reales como las auténticas. | Fake jewels often look as real as the authentic ones. |
Las risas falsas no ocultan la verdadera tristeza de una persona. | Fake laughter does not hide a person's true sadness. |
Los billetes falsos son un gran problema para los comerciantes. | Counterfeit bills are a big problem for merchants. |
El dentista me dijo que necesito un diente falso. | The dentist told me I need a false tooth. |
Es falso que los elefantes tengan miedo de los ratones. | It is false that elephants are afraid of mice. |