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Bilingdle Answers for 2023-11-23

WEIGH (en)

BUSTO (es)

Here are some example sentences using WEIGH along with a translation to Spanish:

Please weigh these apples for me. Por favor, pesa estas manzanas para mí.
I have to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Tengo que ponderar los pros y los contras antes de tomar una decisión.
The doctor will weigh the baby at every check-up. El médico pesará al bebé en cada chequeo.
The heavy snowfall will weigh down the branches of the trees. La fuerte nevada pesará las ramas de los árboles.
I will weigh my luggage before going to the airport. Pesaré mi equipaje antes de ir al aeropuerto.
You should weigh the ingredients accurately for this recipe. Deberías pesar los ingredientes con precisión para esta receta.
The evidence will weigh heavily against him in court. Las pruebas pesarán mucho en su contra en la corte.
The thought of failing is starting to weigh on me. El pensamiento de fracasar está empezando a pesarme.
Feelings of guilt began to weigh him down. Los sentimientos de culpa comenzaron a pesarle.
They will weigh in on the issue at the meeting. Ellos se pronunciarán sobre el tema en la reunión.

Here are some example sentences using BUSTO along with a translation to English:

El busto de la estatua de bronce es muy detallado. The bust of the bronze statue is very detailed.
Ella está buscando un busto de mármol para su nueva casa. She is looking for a marble bust for her new home.
El busto del poeta famoso está en la biblioteca municipal. The bust of the famous poet is in the municipal library.
La escultora creó un busto impresionante del presidente. The sculptor created an impressive bust of the president.
El busto es una parte importante de la figura humana en la escultura. The bust is an important part of the human figure in sculpture.
Mi abuela tiene un busto de porcelana de su abuelo en la sala de estar. My grandmother has a porcelain bust of her grandfather in the living room.
Las dimensiones del busto son esenciales para un ajuste correcto del vestido. The dimensions of the bust are essential for a correct fit of the dress.
El tamaño de su busto determinará el tamaño de su sujetador. The size of her bust will determine the size of her bra.
El busto de la camisa era demasiado pequeño para él. The bust of the shirt was too small for him.
Ella tiene un busto grande y está orgullosa de ello. She has a large bust and is proud of it.