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PLEBE (es)
DETER (en)
Here are some example sentences using PLEBE along with a translation to English:
La plebe se reunió en la plaza para protestar contra las injusticias. | The common people gathered in the square to protest against injustices. |
Durante el festival, la plebe disfrutó de los espectáculos callejeros. | During the festival, the common people enjoyed the street performances. |
El gobernante quería ganar el favor de la plebe con reformas populares. | The ruler wanted to win the favor of the common people with popular reforms. |
Los antiguos romanos a menudo despreciaban a la plebe por su falta de educación. | The ancient Romans often despised the common people for their lack of education. |
La novela está ambientada en una época en que la plebe tenía poco poder político. | The novel is set in a time when the common people had little political power. |
Los privilegios de la nobledad a menudo estaban fuera del alcance de la plebe. | The privileges of the nobility were often beyond the reach of the common people. |
En las historias medievales, la plebe vivía en aldeas y trabajaba la tierra. | In medieval stories, the common people lived in villages and worked the land. |
El discurso del líder fue dirigido a la plebe, prometiendo un cambio social. | The leader's speech was directed at the common people, promising social change. |
Aunque pertenecía a la plebe, su voz se hizo notar entre los poderosos. | Although he belonged to the common people, his voice was heard among the powerful. |
Las canciones populares a menudo reflejan las aspiraciones de la plebe. | Popular songs often reflect the aspirations of the common people. |
Here are some example sentences using DETER along with a translation to Spanish:
The security cameras were installed to deter theft in the store. | Las cámaras de seguridad fueron instaladas para disuadir el robo en la tienda. |
The government implemented strict laws to deter illegal immigration. | El gobierno implementó leyes estrictas para desalentar la inmigración ilegal. |
Bright lights around the house can deter burglars from breaking in. | Luces brillantes alrededor de la casa pueden disuadir a los ladrones de entrar. |
Parents often use rewards and punishments to deter bad behavior in children. | Los padres a menudo usan recompensas y castigos para desalentar el mal comportamiento en los niños. |
The difficulty of the exam did not deter her from applying to the program. | La dificultad del examen no la desalentó de aplicar al programa. |
Rising costs failed to deter consumers from buying the latest smartphone. | El aumento de los costos no logró disuadir a los consumidores de comprar el último smartphone. |
Environmental regulations were enforced to deter companies from polluting the river. | Se impusieron regulaciones ambientales para impedir que las empresas contaminaran el río. |
The threat of punishment did not deter him from committing the crime. | La amenaza de castigo no lo disuadió de cometer el crimen. |
She hoped that her stern warning would deter him from making the same mistake twice. | Ella esperaba que su severa advertencia lo disuadiría de cometer el mismo error dos veces. |
The presence of a guard dog can deter trespassers. | La presencia de un perro guardián puede disuadir a los intrusos. |