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BONEY (en)
PORTA (es)
Here are some example sentences using BONEY along with a translation to Spanish:
The boney structure of the skeleton was quite fascinating. | La estructura ósea del esqueleto era bastante fascinante. |
Her boney fingers held the delicate flower with care. | Sus dedos huesudos sostuvieron la delicada flor con cuidado. |
The boney remains of ancient creatures were unearthed by the archaeologists. | Los restos óseos de antiguas criaturas fueron desenterrados por los arqueólogos. |
He had a boney face that made him look older than he was. | Tenía un rostro huesudo que lo hacía parecer mayor de lo que era. |
The boney fish was difficult to eat because of its many small bones. | El pescado lleno de espinas era difícil de comer debido a sus muchos huesos pequeños. |
The artist sketched a boney hand, capturing every detail of its thin structure. | El artista dibujó una mano huesuda, capturando cada detalle de su estructura delgada. |
The boney ridge along the dinosaur's back suggested it was a herbivore. | La cresta ósea a lo largo de la espalda del dinosaurio sugería que era un herbívoro. |
He was criticized for his boney appearance, but he was healthy and fit. | Fue criticado por su apariencia huesuda, pero estaba sano y en forma. |
The old man's boney hands showed years of hard work and dedication. | Las manos huesudas del anciano mostraban años de trabajo duro y dedicación. |
The boney framework of the abandoned house gave it a haunted look. | La estructura ósea de la casa abandonada le daba un aspecto encantado. |
Here are some example sentences using PORTA along with a translation to English:
El profesor siempre porta un cuaderno en su mochila. | The teacher always carries a notebook in his backpack. |
La mochila que porta es de color azul. | The backpack he carries is blue. |
Mi madre porta un anillo de oro en su dedo. | My mother wears a gold ring on her finger. |
El soldado porta su arma con mucho cuidado. | The soldier carries his weapon very carefully. |
Para la fiesta, ella porta un vestido elegante. | For the party, she wears an elegant dress. |
El detective siempre porta una libreta para tomar notas. | The detective always carries a notebook to take notes. |
El chef porta un delantal blanco mientras cocina. | The chef wears a white apron while cooking. |
Durante el desfile, cada participante porta una bandera. | During the parade, each participant carries a flag. |
Mi abuelo siempre porta una linterna cuando sale por la noche. | My grandfather always carries a flashlight when he goes out at night. |
El guardia de seguridad porta un radio para comunicarse. | The security guard carries a radio to communicate. |