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ELIGE (es)
LOYAL (en)
Here are some example sentences using ELIGE along with a translation to English:
Elige tu comida favorita del menú | Choose your favorite food from the menu |
Elige el vestido que más te guste | Choose the dress you like the most |
Elige un número entre 1 y 10 | Choose a number between 1 and 10 |
Elige bien tus palabras antes de responder | Choose your words wisely before answering |
Elige el regalo perfecto para tu amigo | Choose the perfect gift for your friend |
Elige el destino de tus próximas vacaciones | Choose the destination for your next vacation |
Elige la canción que quieres escuchar | Choose the song you want to listen to |
Elige el libro que deseas leer | Choose the book you want to read |
Elige el color que mejor te queda | Choose the color that suits you best |
Elige la película que veremos esta noche | Choose the movie we will watch tonight |
Here are some example sentences using LOYAL along with a translation to Spanish:
She is my loyal friend. | Ella es mi amiga leal. |
He has always been loyal to his country. | Siempre ha sido leal a su país. |
The dog is known for its loyal nature. | El perro es conocido por su naturaleza leal. |
I am loyal to my family. | Soy leal a mi familia. |
She remained loyal to her beliefs. | Permaneció leal a sus creencias. |
He proved his loyalty by standing up for his friend. | Demostró su lealtad defendiendo a su amigo. |
Despite the challenges, he remained loyal to his principles. | A pesar de los desafíos, se mantuvo leal a sus principios. |
The loyal fans cheered for their team till the end. | Los fans leales animaron a su equipo hasta el final. |
She is a loyal employee who always goes the extra mile. | Es una empleada leal que siempre da el máximo. |
His loyal support helped her through tough times. | Su apoyo leal la ayudó en tiempos difíciles. |